

There are currently many different information computer technology (ICT) projects that are been rolled out within the Western Cape. These projects are in line with the Western Cape governments e-learning vision and strategy which is to ensure that learners are provided with the skills to participate in our increasingly technology-based economy. Network Design hand drawing

 The strategy includes a number of components that are critical to the provisioning of eLearning in our schools, namely:

  • The linking of schools through a high-speed, real-time Wide Area Network (WAN).
  • The provision of Local Area Networks (LANs) in schools.
  • The refresh of existing computer laboratories and the provision of new laboratories and technology rich classrooms (smart classrooms).
  • The development and expansion of online digital resources that are made available to all learners, parents and teachers.
  • Teacher training and development in ICT and the use of eLearning in schools.